Below are the essay questions on each program application. Students can begin thinking about their responses to essay questions before beginning their application.

**Please note: Parents should not assist or complete the essays for their GATE student.

Academic Year Programs

ALL: Latin

In at least two paragraphs written in English, please describe why you wish to enroll in the ALL program and your experiences with the Latin language (if any).


CHAMP does not have an essay question, but you will be asked about which math topics you have already studied and which math books you have used.

ISHALL: English

Why do you think the ISHALL program is a good fit for your learning style, your interests, and/or your academic plans? Please also specify what you hope to gain beyond advanced/accelerated credits. Please write one-two developed paragraphs in response to this question.

M.A.N.G.A.: Japanese

In at least two paragraphs written in English, please describe why you wish to enroll in the M.A.N.G.A. program and your experiences with the Japanese language (if any).

Summer Programs

IS4GT (Grades 6-11)

  1. Please explain why you are interested in participating in this intensive summer program.

MST@MSU (Grades 7-8)

In at least two paragraphs, please describe the following:

  1. Why would you like to participate in MST@MSU?
  2. Why do you feel you should be selected for MST@MSU?

MSTL (Grades 9-10)

In at least two paragraphs, please describe the following:

  1. Why would you like to participate in MSTL?
  2. Why do you feel you should be selected for MSTL?