Stellar Studies

A class of astronomical proportions! What are stars? Where do they come from? We’ll look into the evolution of the most amazing things in the night sky, illuminating our understanding of the vast topics and give a glimpse into some of astronomy’s coolest secrets such as red shift, spectroscopy, and more!

Exploring Unique Careers: Hands-On Learning about Future Professions 

Welcome to Exploring Unique Careers: Hands-On Learning About Future Professions—an engaging and interactive course designed for students eager to learn about the wide range of career opportunities that await them in the future. This course will introduce students to various exciting and dynamic professions, from technology and engineering to arts, medicine, and more. Through hands-on activities, discussions, and real-world experiences, students will not only explore what these careers entail, but also gain insights into the education and skills required to succeed in each field.

In this class, students will take part in activities that simulate real-world jobs, hear from professionals in various fields, and learn what it takes to pursue different career paths. By the end of the course, students will have a deeper understanding of the professional world and how their unique talents and interests can lead them to success in a variety of exciting careers.

Games as Stories 

This class is designed for students who love to flex their creative storytelling skills with their friends and peers! In this class, we’ll explore tabletop games, such as Kids on Bikes and Dinosaur Princess, which are tabletop role playing games designed with kids in mind, as a new way to tell stories collaboratively. Students will learn the basics of creative writing, such as world-building, forming a plot, creating compelling backstories, and more! In doing so, we’ll learn about what it means to write collaboratively and outside of the classroom.

Monday: World-building. During the first day of class, we’ll learn about popular storytelling games, such as dungeons and dragons, kids on bikes, and other mediums where storytelling and gameplay combine. After looking at these systems, students will learn strategies to build detailed worlds for these games.

Tuesday: Writing compelling background stories. Building off of our world-building lessons, students will learn strategies for writing compelling characters with strong background stories.

Wednesday: strategies for improvisational and group writing. Group storytelling takes effort, listening, and collaboration. Students will learn strategies to ensure that our collaborative games go off without a hitch!

Thursday & Friday: Collaborative storytelling in action! Thursday and Friday, we’ll put our skills in world building, writing compelling background stories, and group writing together by playing a table-top game of the students choice (with age-appropriate guard rails in place)!

Mind Masters: Crack the Code with Area Mazes and Clever Logic

Addictive 2-D puzzles to solve using simple math and clever logic. Based on problems from Naoki Inaba, the inventor of sudoku, and one of the greatest puzzle makers of all time. The cool thing about area mazes is that you don't need any advanced math like algebra to solve them—all you need is basic arithmetic and logical thinking! Unlike traditional math puzzles, area mazes challenge you to use spatial reasoning and clever problem-solving skills to find missing areas, making them both accessible and brain-teasing for any puzzle enthusiast.