Below are the class descriptions for MST@MSU (grades 7-8). Students will select one course track for the week consisting of three academic classes. Students may choose to attend both weeks of MST.

Class Times - 9:00am - 5:00am each day

Drop-off 8:15am - 8:40am
Pick-up 5:15pm - 5:40pm

July 8-12, 2024

MSU@MSU Track Options for July 8-12, 2024
Track Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

Track 1

Composing Electronic Music

Nuclear Astrophysics

The Nuts and Bolts of Mathmatical Proof

Composing Electronic Music 

This course explores the process of composing electronic music. Throughout the course, the student will learn how to compose an original piece of music by learning how to work creatively with and without technology. This includes learning the ability to access the DAW Logic Pro, to use virtual instruments and MIDI, to record live sounds and edit music, how to create and utilize graphic/abstract scores, and how to present their work to their peers. The students will also have the opportunity to participate in a group project where everyone collective creates one piece of music, which will be presented with the individual projects. This course is geared toward individuals who would like to have a practical introduction to technical skills in working with music technology.

Monday: Intro to course and electronic music. Instructor and guests share music including their own as well as music by other prominent composers of their choice. Discussion surrounding electronic music terms. Review options for projects.

Tuedsay: Discuss the basics of sequencing in a DAW, how to utilize synthesized sound, and how to incorporate these sounds into a project. This will be accompanied by a creative activity where students will create graphic scores in order to begin envisioning their final product.

Wednesday: Recording Live sound in a DAW, students can choose to add this to their project. Live performers will create sounds with various instruments and class will record sounds. Students will also have the opportunity to create their own sounds to be recorded.

Thursday: Continue to work on project. If weather permits, we will record outside noises via Zoom recorders, phones, or other electronic devices.

Friday: Presentations and discussions!

Nuclear Astrophysics 

Where were the elements made? Over the last 14 billion years, nuclear reactions such as fusion, fragmentation, and radioactive decay have created dramatic change. The fundamental nature of the atomic nucleus has driven the chemical evolution of the universe and the energy cycle in stars. This course, sponsored by MSU’s world-class Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), will pull back the curtain on nuclear research and careers!

The Nuts and Bolts of Mathmatical Proof

The goal of number theory is to present the basic techniques of mathematical proof and the logic behind them. This course will help students think like mathematicians from the very beginning by offering a large variety of examples and problems for the students to work out in class and on their own. The class will contain an extensive list of basic mathematical definitions and concepts needed in abstract mathematics. 

Monday: Introduction and Basic Terminology; General Suggestions; What does “If/Then” Mean? The Negation of a Statement: AND/OR

Tuesday:  Proof by Contrapositive; Proof by Contradiction; “If and Only If” or “Equivalence Theorems”

Wednesday:  Use of Counterexamples; Mathematical Induction; Existence/Uniqueness Theorems

Thursday: Composite Statements: Multiple Hypotheses/Conclusions; Equality of Numbers   

Friday: Mathematical topics on Which to Practice Proof Techniques

July 15-19, 2024

MST@MSU Track Options for July 15-19, 2024
Track Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
Track 2 Pre-AP Statistics

Physio Navigator - Anatomy and Physiological Measurements of the Human Body

Be Savvy: From Consumption to Creation (Videography)

Pre-AP Statistics

An introductory look into statistical analysis as shown in the AP Statistics course. Topics will include categorizing datasets, testing hypotheses, constructing confidence intervals, and constructing regression lines. Sample exercises will be provided from the AP tests themselves, and will ask the students to use AP grading criteria to critique their work so they can gain an understanding of both the statistics and the heuristic grading the AP Statistics course uses.

Physio Navigator - Anatomy and Physiological Measurements of the Human Body 

Have you ever wondered how the human body really works? If so, then you are already thinking like a physiologist. In this course, we will be learning about the branch of biological sciences that is Physiology: the functioning of organisms. We will specifically be discussing human physiology and anatomy. This course will be a hands-on and minds-on experience where you will be learning about whole-body integrative physiology, how to test it, and how to document your findings! You will use the same lab as the college physiology students and use computers to collect and analyze your data. You will also have the chance to closely examine real organs, monitor vital signs, perform an ECG, and test your lung function. 

We will start the week by looking at the body as a whole unit, creating a “Body Map” and data collection binder to orient us to the different systems we will look at the rest of the week. From there, each day will start with a mapping activity, followed by physiological data collection, and finished with data analysis methods (graphing and basic statistics). By the end of the course, we will have a completed map of the human body to use for future physiology adventures and know how to collect and analyze physiological data!

Be Savvy: From Consumption to Creation (Videography)

It is important for every person to have practical knowledge in order to provide value and grow. Individuals become more fulfilled and are able to give value rather than just consuming. Savvy is a program that teaches practical knowledge to people in the area of media creation. This knowledge is able to be used to tell a story, capture experiences and share opinions. The purpose of the program is to help people go from content consumption to creation. In turn, this will assist with pursuing dreams and can create a stream of income. This program will go through the ins and outs of media creation starting with the basics and working up to a professional level. This specific class will have settings and industry standards talked about in length. Students will learn technical hands-on skills about content creation. This will be done by creating a resume video for each student. The videos will consist of an interview and b roll shots. All will be well framed with prosper settings.

Monday: Pre-production

Tuesday-Thursday: Capture planned content

Friday: Editing content and share with group