- Attend classes regularly
- Complete assigned homework regularly
- Keep parent(s) or guardian(s) informed of weekly graded homework and quizzes
- Attend labs as desired or assigned
- Exhibit appropriate classroom behavior
- Maintain satisfactory level of performance in regular school course work
- Share curriculum plan with districts prior to program start.
- Discuss credit with their home school or higher education institution prior to beginning a GATE program.
- Credit is granted by each district or higher education institution independently.
- It is the responsibility of applicants and their families to research how credit will be accepted by future institutions and if continued studies in this subject area are advised after program completion.
- Ensure that student is not taking a concurrent course covering the same subject material as their GATE instruction at their home school.
- Attend an initial information session, orientation session, and conferences
- Support and encourage the student
- Review weekly graded homework and quizzes with the student
- Communicate any problems to the instructor
- Provide student with access to a computer, a printer, and the Internet
- Purchase any required texts and class supplies
- For online classes, provide students with access to a scanner to turn in assignments
- Allow students to communicate directly with the instructor
Local School District
- Agree that these classes will be accepted in lieu of in-school required subject classes
- Recognize this course of study and record credits and grades on high school transcripts
- Grant high school credit for demonstrated mastery of content (up to four years of the subject)
- Identify a local district contact person for the program
- Remove comparable GATE subject course from student's home school schedule. Students should not take a concurrent course at their home school in the same subject.
- NOTE: It is not advised that students be tested at the district level until program is complete. Pacing and instruction will likely not meet that of the student's home district. Please see program handbook for further details.
Attendance & Participation Policy
Course attendance is mandatory. Student's attending one day per week classes are allowed 2 absences per semester (2 for Fall, 2 for Spring). Student's attending classes twice per week are allowed 4 absences (4 for Fall, 4 for Spring) per semester. Student's must make up any missed course work prior to the next class session.
Absences include, but are not limited to:
- Students who are more than 5 minutes late.
- Students who leave class early for any reason.
- Any student who is removed at the discretion of the instructor (classroom behavior (including distractions/disruptions or any violation of program policy), inappropriate use of chat function, bullying, etc.).
- Online students who do not have their cameras on or who are not actively participating.
- Students are required to leave their cameras on during the entirety of the class period unless otherwise stated on the instructor’s syllabus.
- Students who have not communicated with the instructor for more than two weeks (when assignments are due) or two class periods (excluding vacation and breaks) in a semester. (The instructor will refer the student to the GATE office for an attendance review.)
There is no differentiation between an unexcused or excused absence. Additionally, notifying an instructor of an absence does not negate that absence counting against the 2 permitted per semester. Absences cannot be “rolled over” into semesters.
Students who miss more than 2 class sessions or who are in violation of the Attendance & Participation policy will receive an attendance review by the Academic Probation review committee. It may be determined that your student be placed on academic probation and may not incur any additional absences, attend mandatory study labs, or be removed from the program. Refer to the Academic Probation Policy for more details.
In the event of a third absence or failure to comply with the Academic Probation Policy, your student will receive a No Grade (NG) and will immediately be dismissed from the program. Families are then responsible for contacting their student’s home school to determine placement into an appropriate class. No refunds are issued for students who are removed from the class.
Study labs are optional unless they are required as part of a student’s Academic Probation. This requirement will be communicated to families in advance.
Academic Probation Policy
What is Academic Probation?
Academic probation indicates that a student has not met the minimum standard of participation, attendance, or performance.
A student can be placed on academic probation for a period of 24 hours up to the remainder of the program as determined by GATE staff and the student’s instructor.
Academic probation is an action that will be used most often when a student is not participating fully in class whether it’s classroom discussion, D2L, regular attendance, classroom conduct, or turning in homework and assessments in a timely manner. Additionally, any violation of program policy outlined in the handbook will be subject to immediate review.
Failure to meet any or all probationary requirements will result in immediate removal from any and all GATE programming. Removed students will not be eligible for any tuition refunds.
Please Note: The student’s home school will NOT be notified of academic probation as it will be used solely to assist students and families regarding GATE programming.
How Will Families Be Notified?
Legal guardians will receive an email to all addresses on file indicating:
- That their student has been placed on an academic probationary period and details explaining why the decision was made.
- How long the probationary period will last.
- When the probationary period will be re-evaluated (as needed) or end.
- What is required of the student/family during the probationary period.
What is the Procedure?
- Once an instructor or GATE staff has determined a need for academic probation the Academic Probation Document will be completed and sent to GATE for a committee review.
- Once reviewed (and if approved), the Academic Probation Document will be sent to legal guardians via all email addresses on record (a paper copy will also be mailed to the address on record via USPS).
- Email will be the only method of contact regarding academic probation between families, staff, and instructors to provide all parties with a written record of events.
- Families may review the APD and ask any clarifying questions that they wish. However, any communication regarding an APD MUST have the GATE office (gifted@msu.edu), all legal guardians, and the instructor included and must be a reply to the original email with the APD attached.
- The Academic Probation Documentation (APD) will provide specifics regarding any actions your student may need to take. This can include, but is not limited to:
- Mandatory study lab attendance for anywhere from 1 week up through the remainder of the program. (The APD will include length of time, number of sessions, and any other applicable requirements as determined by the review committee.)
- All missing assignments turned in within 24 hours.
- No more absences for the remainder of the semester.
- An immediate conference with guardians, student, and GATE staff.
- Any other action deemed necessary to ensure your student’s continued success in GATE programming.
- Failure to satisfactorily meet any or all requirements of the APD will result in immediate student removal. Families will be responsible for placing their student in an applicable course in their home school as soon as possible. (Note: If your school paid your student’s program tuition you will be responsible for reimbursing them any lost tuition costs per their district’s policy.)
- There are no appeals to an academic probation. Our instructors and staff will use several other methods of intervention before placing a student on academic probation. Academic probation is serious and should be treated as such.
What Offenses Can Result in Academic Probation?
This is not a comprehensive list, but an example of the most common reasons a student will be reviewed for academic probation.
- Any violation of program policy outlined in the handbook.
- Attendance policy violations – particularly when there is no attempt to communicate with the program instructor. This includes tardies, late arrival, leaving class early, or physically attending -but not participating in- class.
- Assessment performance – students who are not regularly attending study labs and exhibit difficulty mastering subjects will be required to take additional measures to ensure their success.
- Incomplete or missing homework assignments.
- Classroom conduct issues including insubordination, bullying, failure to adhere to classroom & university policies (including masks & social distancing).
- Situations where a student has received a passing grade, but they exhibit conceptual struggles that may hinder their continued success in the program. In this case, the probationary document will accompany the student’s grade report.