Intensive Studies in Humanities, Arts, Language and Literature Icon

Intensive Studies in Humanities, Arts, Language and Literature

Application Grades 6-10

Programs begins: Fall Semester 2025

Application deadline: May 9, 2025

ISHALL Overview Video

Meet an ISHALL instructor: James Davis


ISHALL, in partnership with the Department of English, the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures, and Office of University Outreach and Engagement at Michigan State University provides classroom instruction for qualified middle school students in grades 6-10. ISHALL is designed so that the participating students will complete in two years the English content assigned in Michigan High School Content Expectations (HSCE) for all four years of high school as well as meet the Common Core National Standards.

Students study a wide range of texts and media in literature and the humanities including novels, biographies, plays, poetry, and film. Students will also be exposed to a variety of different historical movements and types of literature, such as romanticism, enlightenment, Shakespearean drama, and comedy, in addition to modern works.

Below is the ISHALL schedule and the equivalent curriculum covered in the two year program:

ISHALL Schedule:   Curriculum Covered:
Semester 1 (Fall, Year 1) = Grade 9 English
Semester 2 (Spring, Year 1) = Grade 10 English
Semester 3 (Fall, Year 2) = Grade 11 English
Semester 4 (Spring, Year 2) = Grade 12 English

Students must begin ISHALL with the Grade 9 English curriculum. Bypassing one or more courses is not permitted.

Course attendance is mandatory. Students are allowed 2 absences per semester (2 for Fall, 2 for Spring) and must make up that class’ work by the next class session. Students who miss more than 2 class sessions will not receive a passing grade for the course and will be removed upon the third absence.


ISHALL is taught by Michigan State University faculty and staff.

Student Advantages

  • The accelerated program allows students to complete the traditional four-year high school language arts program in two years.
  • The time freed by the program gives students more options, including honors/AP/IB classes or dual enrollment in college courses.
  • Students have the opportunity to work with university professors in a small class setting.
  • Enrichment experiences, such as attending theatrical performances, may be available.

ISHALL Technology Requirements

Additional Program Details