Students must currently be in grades 7-10.

Acceptance decisions will be made on a rolling basis. Apply early!

Students must submit the following with their IS4GT application:

  • Test scores (score of only one test)
    • ACT or SAT - view minimum requirement for each program below
    • CogAT - view minimum requirement for each program below
      • Register to take the CogAT with MSU GATE HERE
  • IQ Test
  • Teacher Recommendation Form from one of your teachers in a specific subject areas of: During your online application, you will be asked to provide a teacher's school email address, and we will send them an email requesting that they fill out an online recommendation for you. (Do NOT ask your teacher to write you a letter of recommendation - only our online recommendation form will be accepted.)
  • Most recent grade report
  • Essay (view Essay Questions)

Please note: Students need to meet the criteria for the ACT, SAT, or CogAT. Students need to take and submit scores for only one of these tests. An IQ test is also acceptable in place of these standardized test scores.

IS4GT Requirements for Eligibility
Program Grades ACT Math ACT English ACT Reading ACT Composite SAT Math SAT EBRW SAT Total CogAT
Intensive Study in PRE-MED ED 7-10 18 18 18 19 500 500 980 90th percentile